It's just a playground

About Me

I mainly occupying oneself in software development for Desktops, Websites, and Mobiles.
Other than that, I'm a Biotechnology engineer (BSc), chemistry laboratory technician, software QA engineer, computer technician, handyman, delivery person, lumberjack, inspector in the agricultural sector, and whatever help I can give.

My Skills

Computers - Software Developer, Websites, Mobile Applications, QA, Computer Technician (IL), Support & Guidance

Physical - Renovations and painting, organization and arrangement of houses and offices, wood chopping, deliveries

Administrative - Area supervision and navigation

Other - Very high psychometric score, transferring of educational material effectively

Wheels - Car license, unlimited motorcycle, forklift carrying capacity up to 20 tonnes, armoured personnel carrier, and 2 dive stars

Creative - Aesthetic sense, drawing and drawing skills

My Resume

2012-today - Freelancer - Doing many things in many fields such as Computer/Printers technician. Working as a freelance, employee or self-employed, depends on the demands.

2011 - CTrue ltd - .NET Software Developer - In-house application developed in C# WPF under the MVVM architecture versus MySQL, as well as UI improvements and functionality, code standardization and implementation. The main application - part of the development team, facial recognition system under development in C# WPF. Development and maintenance of internal applications and a main product used by customers to manage end stations in Winforms. Maintenance in the C++ version of the central application operating in dozens of client sites.

2009-2011 - Shkila Manufacturers ltd - .NET Software Developer - Characterization and software development, upgrade of existing systems and developing multi-threaded applications in Winforms in combination with hardware according to customer needs. Working with serial communication RS232/485, TCP/IP, and Modbus. Create databases and work with SQL-CE, MS ACCESS. Generate reports using Crystal-Reports, Active-Reports. Programming Koyo Click Controller.

2006-2008 - Check Point Software Technologies ltd - Software QA Engineer - Setting up test environments on servers (Linux and different operating systems), client environment, and network settings. Creating network attacks, infecting viruses and spyware for testing purposes.

2006 - IMI TAMI - Institute for Research and Development ltd - Analytical Chemistry Technician - Working with GC (Gas chromatography) and HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography).

2002-2006 - Technion – Israel Institute of Technology - BSc in Biotechnology and Food Engineering - The 4-year program consists of a basket of core courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, microbiology, genetics, and computers; advanced engineering courses complement the list, providing the required background for integrating engineering studies into the advanced subjects of life sciences and biotechnology.

My Projects

Current Project



Github Github ProjectoryAngular Connect4 Hayo-Haya PicsResizer MeydataApp Websites BakeaBook Flame FromWithinMyDrawer AutoTypewriter Y.A.PhotosDateStamper


ComputerTechnician Wheels Handyman Hives Logs Sketches

Contact Me

Available for new opportunities

Ani'am, IL

Email: yarriva@gmail.com
