
Creator Yariv.A
Date April 2020
Technology Flutter

Get it on Google Play

Enhance the power of oneself.

A tool for tracking personal goals and challenges.

  • What is my level of discipline about a particular diet?
  • How many times have I performed my daily fitness exercises in the last two years?
  • Have I been able to listen to new language lessons at least 3 times a week?
  • What should I emphasize to be closer to who I want to be?

This app will help you discover the strengths within you.

My personal story

"Never let a good crisis go to waste"

The 2019-20 coronavirus pandemic gave me the opportunity to experience new development and great technology created by Google. Between doing little projects, taking care of my kids, and some other stuff I managed to complete this project successfully. It came from a personal need, I had a lot of things I wanted to improve in my life and couldn't track it all. This app is really useful for me, and also for my kids, wich the little one was 8 years old.

I am sure it could be useful for you too.